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What Happens After Finishing Invisalign Treatments
April 9, 2021

Finishing Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is the most popular way for adults and teens to straighten misaligned teeth without the use of pesky and embarrassing brackets and wires. First introduced in 1997, Invisalign aligners offer a less invasive, almost invisible alternative to traditional braces while offering the same results.

Invisalign is ideal for busy adults because treatments don’t require tiresome adjustments at an orthodontist’s office. Instead, you simply swap out the aligners at home every two weeks. Once your treatment is finished, you’ll be left with a beautiful, straight smile, but keeping it that way takes a small amount of effort on your part. Just like traditional braces, once your treatment is complete, your new smile requires maintenance. Without your efforts, your teeth are guaranteed to return to their original misaligned position.

Keeping Your Smile Straight Takes Effort

Once you’re finished with your final Invisalign tray and your results are verified, the next step in maintaining your final results is to wear an Invisalign retainer. Retainers are comfortable and help to keep your teeth in place post-treatment. Retainers are always necessary after finishing any orthodontic treatment because they prevent your teeth from going back to their original position.

Retainers are the simplest way to keep your teeth in their beautiful new formation. Retainer options often include a fixed lower retainer and a removable upper retainer, or two removable retainers. No matter what type of retainer you choose, always make sure you follow your provider’s instructions. Retainers typically need to be worn at all times to start until your teeth solidify enough that you can switch to nighttime use.

How To Care For Your Invisalign Retainer

Taking care of your retainer requires daily effort. Always keep your retainer in a safe place when not in use to prevent it from becoming lost or damaged. Clean your retainer daily by brushing it gently with a soft-bristled brush and a small amount of toothpaste. Taking great care of your retainer will save you time and money in having to replace it if it gets lost or damaged.

Just like with Invisalign aligners, you’ll want to bring your retainer case with you wherever you go. The biggest problem patients have with retainers is losing them. Don’t put your retainers in a napkin or tissue while eating because it’s highly likely they will get thrown out by mistake. Additionally, pets also love chewing on retainers, so always keep them out of reach of your furry friends.

Continue To Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Prevent potential dental issues and maintain the health of your newly straightened smile by continuing to practice excellent oral hygiene. Make sure Brushing and flossing each day and scheduling regular dental exams is a great place to start. You must be extra vigilant while wearing Invisalign to prevent cavities and tooth decay, so keep up those great habits now that your treatment is complete.

Don’t Skip Follow-up Appointments

While you won’t be seeing your Invisalign provider as often once your treatment has finished, there are still some follow-up visits necessary to maintain your newly straightened smile. You can expect a follow-up visit a few weeks following your final aligner set and again about six months to a year after your treatment.

Are You Ready For Invisalign?

Are you ready to see yourself with a more confident smile? Invisalign may be the ideal treatment to achieve the alignment you’ve always wanted, and it’s a great alternative to metal braces for teens and adults. To learn more about if Invisalign is right for you, contact Hinsdale Dentistry today.

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