911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521


Your Dental Care in 2014
January 7, 2014

Hinsdale dental careIt’s that time of the year again – you’re kicking your new year’s resolutions off to a start. Have they been successful so far? We don’t mean to add more to your yearly goals, but we’re hoping that you’ll make some room on the list for dental resolutions. We’ve compiled a few simple steps you can take in the next 12 months to see positive results and improved oral health. Consider adopting a few of the following to find your smile decay-free come 2015!

Dental Resolutions For the Coming Year

  1. Embrace preventive dentistry. Curious about exactly what this means? Consider everything that you can possibly do to keep your teeth healthy; then, make those actions a priority. This doesn’t require big changes to your daily life, it simply asks that you think of your teeth and their welfare more often.
  2. Floss daily. This seems simple, but is neglected by many. If you’re not flossing, you’re not removing bacteria from critical spots in your mouth, leaving your teeth and gums susceptible. If your gums are sore when you take flossing back up, keep at it – the soreness will fade within a week.
  3. Reevaluate your diet. Tons of starches and sugars will lead to more frequent instances of decay. Is your diet constructive to great oral health? Try snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nuts, and cheese instead of junky alternatives.
  4. Find dental products you actually like. If your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash are tools you enjoy using, you’ll be more likely to use them. Find the best flavors, brands, and types of dental products for you.
  5. Schedule your regular exams today. Even if they’re months in the future, early scheduling hurts no one, and you won’t forget to come in with our reminders!

Support from Your Dentist

If you’d like to schedule your next exam, get answers to questions, or just get some moral support, please call Hinsdale Dentistry or schedule online!

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