What if we told you that even the most anxious patient now has a way to completely redo their front teeth without stress?
Let’s take a step back before we dive into this remarkable treatment option. There’s a dangerous cycle that patients with extreme dental anxiety fall into. Because they’re afraid of the office, they’re more likely to skip routine exams. But the longer they go without a cleaning, the more likely it is that they will experience dental problems. This leads to the need for more invasive restorative work, which only worsens their anxiety.
We do everything possible to pull our patients out of this cycle. From dental lasers to digital impressions, we strive to create a comfortable, soothing atmosphere in our office. But patients who are in need of a new smile might still hold back. While they’re self-conscious about their smiles and holding back from professional and social opportunities, they just can’t stomach the thought of “optional” dental work.
Lumineers take away that hesitation. These porcelain veneers are the thinnest available, which opens up an unbelievable variety of benefits for anxious patients. Can’t believe that you could possibly get excited about a veneer? All the info you need to get pumped is below.
Why Lumineers Put a Smile on Anxious Dental Patients’ Faces
They Are Super Thin
What does being exceptionally thin mean? For a veneer, a whole lot. The thinner the restoration, the easier it is for it to fit over your natural tooth. This means that there is less tooth prep involved and a reduced need for anesthesia (more on that below). It also means that your bite won’t be difficult to adjust, so you won’t lose tooth structure elsewhere once your new veneers are in place.
They Look Like the Real Thing

Being thin also offers aesthetic advantages. Lumineers don’t look bulky, like our wonderful patient Jennifer mentioned above. They blend in with your surrounding teeth and form a natural-looking smile.
Natural enamel reflects some light, and allows the rest to pass through its surface. Many dental restorations can’t mimic this because they’re not thin enough. This isn’t the case with Lumineers – and this is one reason why they look so similar to your other teeth.
Most patients will forget that they even have Lumineers once they’ve gotten used to them – they’ll just love the way their new smiles look.
The Procedure is Comfortable
We mentioned minimal tooth prep earlier – here’s what that means. When you get veneers, your natural teeth will need to be prepped in order for veneers to fit over them. With thicker veneers, more of your natural enamel has to be removed in order for there to be adequate space. But the thinner the restoration, the less tooth prep necessary. You get to keep your teeth and transform your smile.
This is where anxious patients discover just how comfortable dental work can be. If you have a fear of needles, you’re also likely to be able to avoid local anesthesia – some Lumineers patients don’t actually need shots. What could be better than that?
If you’re scared of the dentist’s office, it’s crucial that you build up positive experiences that show you what treatment can really be like. This allows you to alter your overall perception and look at dentistry in a more positive light.
They Straighten Crooked Front Teeth
Trying to avoid braces, but fed up with crooked teeth? You’re not alone – and alternative orthodontic options like Invisalign have evolved to provide patients with an answer. But many don’t actually need to go through Invisalign to straighten their problem teeth.
If you have a good overall bite, but crooked front teeth, Lumineers can actually provide straightening. Our providers carefully reshape the front teeth and build a straight smile with a minimally invasive procedure – and immediate results.
They Improve Sensitive Teeth
Lumineers aren’t all about aesthetics. If you have worn enamel, you know how uncomfortable daily tasks like eating hot or cold foods can be. Your smile may also be yellower due to your dentin showing through the thin enamel layer. Lumineers will rebuild your teeth to improve both appearance and comfort.
Reducing sensitivity can also help improve dental anxiety because it changes the patient’s experience during each dental exam. Sensitive teeth can make even plaque removal uncomfortable, and protecting the enamel layer will make your cleanings more pleasant.