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Preventing Dental Emergencies: Back to School Edition
September 13, 2024


As summer winds down and the new school year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about more than just new backpacks and school supplies. Back-to-school season is also a great time to focus on your child’s oral health and preventing dental emergencies.

Dental issues like broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, and severe toothaches can not only be painful and scary for your child but can also mean missed school days. Here’s what you need to know to help your child avoid dental emergencies this school year.

Schedule a Back-to-School Dental Check-Up

Before the school year starts or at the beginning of the year, schedule a dental check-up for your child. During this visit, we will:

  • Clean your child’s teeth
  • Check for cavities or other issues
  • Assess the risk of future problems
  • Apply preventive treatments like fluoride or sealants, if needed
  • Address any questions or concerns you or your child may have

Starting the school year with a clean, healthy mouth sets your child up for success. Plus, identifying and treating any issues early can prevent them from turning into bigger problems or emergencies down the line.

Encourage Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Good oral hygiene is key to preventing dental emergencies. Healthy teeth and gums are strong teeth and gums. Make sure your child is taking care of their smile by helping them to:

  • Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss daily
  • Use mouthwash (if age-appropriate)
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Limit sugary and acidic drinks and snacks

Make brushing and flossing a part of your child’s daily routine, just like getting dressed or packing their backpack. You can make it fun by letting your child pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste or by using a sticker chart to track their progress.

Pack Tooth-Friendly Lunches and Snacks

What your child eats at school can have a big impact on their oral health. When packing lunches and snacks, opt for tooth-friendly foods like:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Cheese and yogurt
  • Whole-grain crackers and bread
  • Lean proteins like turkey or chicken

Try to limit sugary, sticky, and acidic foods that can contribute to tooth decay. If your child does eat something sugary or acidic, encourage them to rinse their mouth with water afterward.

Protect Teeth During Sports

If your child participates in sports, a mouthguard is a must. Mouthguards cushion the teeth and jaws, reducing the risk of broken, knocked-out, or loosened teeth during impact.

Talk to your dentist about which type of mouthguard is best for your child based on their sport and individual needs.

Know What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Even with the best prevention efforts, dental emergencies can still happen. Knowing what to do can make all the difference in saving a tooth and minimizing your child’s discomfort. Here are some common dental emergencies and how to handle them:


Rinse the mouth with warm water and floss gently to remove any food caught between teeth. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever as needed, and call your dentist if the pain persists.

Broken or Chipped Tooth

Rinse the mouth with warm water. If there’s bleeding, apply gauze until it stops. Use a cold compress to reduce swelling and seek dental care as soon as possible.

Knocked-out Tooth

Handle the tooth by the crown (the white part) and avoid touching the root. If the tooth is dirty, gently rinse it with water. Try to reinsert the tooth into the socket. If that’s not possible, put the tooth in a cup of milk. Seek immediate dental care – the sooner a knocked-out tooth is treated, the better the chance of saving it.

For any dental emergency, it’s important to stay calm and contact your dentist right away. Many dental offices offer same-day emergency appointments for situations like these.

Start the School Year with a Smile

Don’t let a dental emergency derail your child’s school year. If it’s been a while since your child’s last dental visit, or if you have any concerns about their oral health, schedule an appointment. And of course, if your child or anyone in your family is experiencing a dental emergency, call us right away!


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