911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521


Recovery Tips For Dental Implant Surgery
August 12, 2019

woman checking teeth in the mirrorDental implants are an excellent option for replacing one or more missing teeth. Implants will fill in those unsightly gaps between your teeth in addition to making eating less painful and reducing the number of potential threats to your oral health and your beautiful smile. Right after having dental implant surgery, be sure to follow these tips to minimize recovery time and promote healing.

General Aftercare Advice

In general, it is vital for you to obtain the proper rest for healing following your dental implant surgery.
Do not press against the side of the dental implant with your fingers or tongue.
Avoid exercising in a strenuous manner for the first two days following your dental implant surgery.
Attempt to sleep in a propped-up position. This position will help you sleep while assisting with managing the flow of blood.
Avoid hot and cold drinks until after the anesthetic wears off completely.
If you have been given a course of antibiotics to take after your surgery, please ensure that you complete the prescription to avoid infection.

Keeping Your Mouth Clean At Home

Successful oral surgery relies on the mouth being kept as clean as possible following any procedure. Begin by cleaning your other teeth as you usually would with a toothbrush, starting on the evening of your oral surgery. Avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days post-operation. Begin to carefully and slowly clean the surgical site with a toothbrush once you are able.

Warm salt rinses are incredibly beneficial for promoting healing in the first week. Combine a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt and gently apply the saltwater rinse over the surgical site until the rinse cools. Repeat the rinsing process as often as possible to promote healing and to keep the area clean.

Swelling and Bruising

You may experience minor swelling and bruising following your dental implant surgery. This typically reaches a peak two to three days post-operation. Slight swelling and bruising are common, and both will subside naturally after a few days. Swelling can be reduced by applying ice packs wrapped in a towel. Apply a cold pack to the cheek area for a maximum of ten minutes at a time with twenty minutes break between sessions. After 24 hours, gentle heat can be more beneficial in combating swelling and bruising.

Pain and Discomfort

You will likely experience minor pain and discomfort for a few days after any surgical procedure in your mouth. Any pain you may encounter should be easily managed with any over-the-counter pain medications. Take any necessary pain medications regularly at the maximum stated dose for the first two days after surgery. The first dose of pain medication is recommended before the local anesthetic has completely worn off to avoid any extreme, unnecessary pain.

Caring For Stitches

Stitches and sutures are dissolvable; however, they will likely remain in your mouth for 2-3 weeks after surgery. You may experience some minor bleeding after surgery, and this is typical and to be expected. If discomfort from stitches or bleeding is persistent, contact Dr. Okamura as soon as possible so we can examine the implant.

Maintaining Your Implant Long Term

In the following days and weeks after your procedure, you should continue your care routine utilizing any dental cleaning tools that were recommended by your dentist. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with salt water should become prominent stables in your daily routine as your implant continues to heal.

Maintain your dental implant long term by scheduling post-operative appointments with your dentist. It is vital to the long-term health of your dental implant, and these appointments allow your dentist to clean and inspect the overall health of your teeth. After getting an implant, you should visit your dentist for routine checkups at least every six months, if not more frequently if recommended.

Hinsdale Dentistry wants for your dental implant surgery to be as smooth and pleasant as possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your implant procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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