911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521


Hinsdale Dentistry Team


Donna has been with Hinsdale Dentistry for 10+ years. She is the Practice Manager. Donna is one of the first faces you will see when you walk through the doors of our new state-of-the-art dental office. “My focus here is to facilitate and enrich the experience of all of our patients, and to assist all of the professional personnel at Hinsdale Dentistry.” Prior to working in our office, she was on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Sara Patterson

Sara Patterson is Hinsdale Dentistry’s lead hygienist. “I was raised and still live in Western Springs with my husband and son. I have worked with this team for over 25 years as a dental hygienist – yikes!! In my spare time I love to golf and garden.”

Laura Catrambone, RDH

Hinsdale-Dental-HygentistLaura Catrambone is a 2006 graduate of Harper College in Palatine, IL. There, she completed her A.A.S. in Dental Hygiene. Prior to getting her dental hygiene degree, Laura received her Bachelors degree in Communications from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Laura has been with the team at Hinsdale Dentistry since May 2011. She enjoys working with people and educating them on proper oral health care. She enjoys traveling, playing sports, and spending time with her family.

Wendy O’Rourke, RDH

Wendy O’Rourke is a 1980 graduate of Loyola University. At Loyola, she completed her bachelor of science with an associate in dental hygiene. Wendy has been with the team at Hinsdale Dentistry since 2008. She believes in individual thorough treatment that can best optimize a patient’s oral health. She is married with three adult children. In her spare time she gardens and enjoys hiking.

Heather Libertoski, RDH

I’m originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Studied Dental hygiene in Duluth Minnesota and graduated in 2004. I moved to Chicago right after I graduated and loved the area since. I enjoy working here at Hinsdale Dentistry, and specialized in the laser whitening. When I’m not working I’m running or boating in the summers and skiing or snowmobiling in the winters. I love surrounding myself with friends, family and good food!


Jackie has been in the field of dentistry for 6 years as a dental assistant. “I wanted to become a dental assistant to help put people at ease when they are getting a procedure done since I know a lot of people who are afraid of going to the dentist. My favorite procedure to assist with is Composite Veneers, because you can quickly see the transformation in a person’s smile with just a few ‘tweaks’. My hobbies include playing sports, spending time with my husband, family, & friends, and spoiling my dogs.”


I was first introduced to the world of dentistry when I worked with special needs children overseas. That’s when I realized that a smile is worth more than a thousand words. I have worked as a dental assistant for 7 years. Whether working with children or adults, it is always rewarding when people walk out with a smile that lights up a room. That alone is what makes me love what I do.


Cathy Garcia is one of newest members at Hinsdale Dentistry. She loves the team atmosphere and working with such a great group of people that are always willing to help each other. Her hobbies include spending time with friends, running, and cooking.

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